Arjumand received a joint PhD in Computer Science from National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland) and University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy), MS degree in Computer Science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea), and BS in Computer Science from the University of Karachi (Pakistan). She is the recipient of Google Women Techmakers scholarship for Europe, Middle East and Africa region. Her research focuses on Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Data Science for Social Good. Arjumand is passionate about the value of artificial intelligence technology to make society better, and at the moment is involved as an academic partner in various AI for Social Good projects.
Kazemi, A., Younus, A., Jeon, M., Qureshi, M. A., & Caton, S. (2023). InÉire: An Interpretable NLP Pipeline Summarising Inclusive Policy Making Concerning Migrants in Ireland. IEEE Access.
Younus, A., Quereshi, M. A., Jeon, M., Kazemi, A., & Caton, S. (2022). XAI Analysis of Online Activism to Capture Integration in Irish Society Through Twitter. Social Informatics: 13th International Conference, SocInfo 2022, Glasgow, UK, October 19–21, 2022, Proceedings
Younus, A., Qureshi, M. A. (2022). A Framework for Sexism Detection on Social Media via ByT5 and TabNet. Technological University Dublin