Arthit is a PhD candidate in SFI Centre for Research Training in Digitally-Enhanced Reality (d-real), working on the mapping of accountability requirements for automated decision-making (ADM) systems and the technical capabilities of Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), which is based on Mark Boven’s model of public accountability. He is also a member of Knowledge and Data Engineering Group (KDEG) at Trinity College and a member of the the Digital Governance strand of ADAPT, SFI Research Centre for AI-Driven Digital Content Technology.

Arthit has a background in natural language processing and cultural anthropology. His anthropology master thesis was on cultural politics on social media platforms during a series of protests in Thailand, focusing on the production of internet memes and digital placemaking. He co-founded Thai Netizen Network, a civil society organization promoting human rights and civil rights in digitally-connected environments, and now serves as a member of the Media and Telecommunication subcommittee for Thailand Consumers Council.

His research interests include the relationship between privacy and agency, AI governance, proportionality of content moderation measures, and computational methods of legal and journalistic practices. During his internship at UCD Centre of Digital Policy, he has worked on topic modeling of national AI strategies. He translates personal digital security apps to Thai language in his free time.


Recent publications:

Fournier-Tombs, E., Lee, J., Suriyawongkul, A., Raghunath, P., Daily, M., Chatterjee, J., Doneys, P., Sunthorn, W., Thongprasert, S., Villanueva, K., Belda, F. (2023). Gender-sensitive AI Policy in Southeast Asia. United Nations University Institute in Macau

Celeste, E.,  Montgomory, S., & Suriyawongkul, A. (2022). Digital technology and privacy attitudes in times of COVID-19: formal legality versus legal reality in Ireland. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 73(2), 283-309

Bandaranayake, R., Ramasoota, R., Natesan, A., Suriyawongkul, A. (2021). Health-Related Information and COVID-19: A study of Sri Lanka and Thailand. LIRNEasia

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