Diretnan Dikwal-Bot is an Assistant Professor in Digital Media Studies with a broader background in media and cultural politics. Her recent work investigates the trajectory of equality attainment in global South feminism, where she focuses on the interplay between the subjects of gender inequality. Currently, she is working on a book under contract with Palgrave Macmillan that explores the hierarchisation of inequality topics in Nigerian female blog activism.
Diretnan was the lead qualitative researcher for the Talent 25 program, funded by De Montfort University and Arts Council England from January 2020 to March 2022. The project explored the impact of arts and mediated communication on children’s well-being. During the Covid-19 lockdown in April 2020, she initiated and executed a qualitative sub-study assessing the function of arts as a coping mechanism among families and minority groups in Leicester.
Recent publications:
Dikwal-Bot, D., & Mendes, K. (2022). “Eight Tory Leadership candidates declare themselves feminitsts”: feminism and political campaigs. Feminist Media Studies, 1-17
Mendes, K., & Dikwal-Bot, B. (2022). Social Media and Political Campaigns: Justin Trudeau and Sadiq Khan. In D. Taras., & Davis, R. (Eds.), Electoral Campaigns, Media, and the New World of Digital Politics (pp. 60-82). University of Michigan Press
Dikwal-Bot, D. (2019). Feminist activism and digital networks: bewteen empowerment and vulnerability. Feminist Media Studies, 19(3), 458-462