Páraic Kerrigan is an assistant professor and researcher at the School of Information and Communication Studies at University College Dublin. His research pertains to the dynamics of diversity in the media industry and its production cultures, specifically centred around Ireland’s LGBT community, along with a focus on digital media cultures and platform governance. His current work focuses on the ways in which critical data studies intersects with gender and sexual minorities, in particular through small data such as the birth certificate and big data on social media.
He has just released his first book, LGBTQ Visibility, Media and Sexuality in Ireland (Routledge, 2021). He also co-authored the book Media Graduates at Work (Palgrave 2021). He is currently working on a monograph relating to the inequalities and vulnerabilities that have developed for gender and sexual minorities through new and emerging media. He has written over twelve articles and book chapters on the intersections of identity with media. He has also been a researcher on several television documentaries and radio shows relating to LGBTQ culture.
Recent publications:
Kerrigan, P., McGuinness, C., Fulton, C., Siapera, E., Carrie, D., & Pope, P. (2022). Designing a Media Literacy Training Programme for Public Library Staff in Ireland: Preliminary Results and Observations of a University Public Library Collaboration. Public Library Quarterly, 2, 1- 22
Kerrigan, P., Liddy, S. O’Brien, A. (2021). Auditing Gender and Diversity Change in Irish Media Sectors. Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. https://www.bai.ie/en/media/sites/2/dlm_uploads/2021/07/Auditing-Gender-Diversity-Change.pdf
Kerrigan, P. (2020). LGBTQ visibility, media and sexuality in Ireland. Routlegde