Our team

Our core team is comprised of leading researchers in digital policy, platform governance, human rights and data governance.

Dr Sarah Anne Dunne is a post-doctoral research assistant and administrator for UCD Centre for Digital Policy. Her research interests include digital cultures and policies, feminism, gender and sexuality studies […]

Alexandros Minotakis holds a Ph.D. in communication studies from the University of Athens in Greece. Among his research interests are critical political economy of media, discourse analysis, and fake news. […]

Jet Klokgieters is a first-year PhD student at our Centre. She researches the digital divide in Ireland and the Netherlands. Jet completed our MSc in Digital Policy in 2022 before […]

Dr. Susan Leavy is an assistant professor at the School of Information and Communication Studies at University College Dublin and a funded investigator with Insight Centre for Data Analytics. Her […]

Colin Scott serves as Registrar, Deputy President and Vice President for Academic Affairs University College Dublin. Previously, he was the Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Principal of UCD […]

Marco Bastos is the UCD Ad Astra Fellow at the School of Information and Communication Studies and senior lecturer at City, University of London. He is the author of Spatializing […]

Dr Farries is a lecturer in the school of Information and Communication Studies and programme director of the MSc, Graduate Diploma and Professional Certificate programmes in Digital Policy. Co-Director of […]

As well as being a professor of Information and Communication Studies, Eugenia Siapera is head of the School of Information and Communication Studies at UCD. She is the author of […]

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