Our team

Our core team is comprised of leading researchers in digital policy, platform governance, human rights and data governance.

Professor at the School of Information and Communication Studies with research and teaching interests in the political economy of the cultural industries (esp. digital games), the ethics, social shaping and […]

Dr Sarah Anne Dunne is a post-doctoral research assistant and administrator for UCD Centre for Digital Policy. Her research interests include digital cultures and policies, feminism, gender and sexuality studies […]

Alexandros Minotakis holds a Ph.D. in communication studies from the University of Athens in Greece. Among his research interests are critical political economy of media, discourse analysis, and fake news. […]

Dr. Susan Leavy is an assistant professor at the School of Information and Communication Studies at University College Dublin and a funded investigator with Insight Centre for Data Analytics. Her […]

Colin Scott serves as Registrar, Deputy President and Vice President for Academic Affairs University College Dublin. Previously, he was the Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Principal of UCD […]

Marco Bastos is the UCD Ad Astra Fellow at the School of Information and Communication Studies and senior lecturer at City, University of London. He is the author of Spatializing […]

Dr Farries is a lecturer in the school of Information and Communication Studies and programme director of the MSc, Graduate Diploma and Professional Certificate programmes in Digital Policy. Co-Director of […]

As well as being a professor of Information and Communication Studies, Eugenia Siapera is head of the School of Information and Communication Studies at UCD. She is the author of […]

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